Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, April 20, 2014
What began 2000 years ago will now be completed!
- Message No. 530 -

- Easter Sunday My child. My dear child. There you are. I, your Holy Jesus, am here with you. I love you, My little daughter, and I continue to introduce you to My mysteries and those of the Father. Write now, My little one, and let yourself fall completely into My arms: The children of the earth must awaken! Too great is their unbelief, too great their misbelief. They are lost and wander aimlessly, but on the way of their life the devil lurks at every corner, at every "bend in the road", everywhere on all paths. He places stumbling blocks and obstacles right where you are going on the path to the Father, and since you don't see it, don't realize how cunning the devil is, instead of facing the obstacles, you evade and take the "easier" path, but children, be warned, because this is not the path to the Father, but it is the path to the devil's illusory world, which, once you are lost in the fog, leads to darkness and agony of soul.
My children. Face what life gives you, that is, accept your cross(es) and carry it(them) in joy, no matter how heavy it(they) is(are)! Accept it(s) and offer it(s) up to Me, then hand it(s) over to Me, and I will carry it(s) for you! I AM the Son of the Almighty, so what do you trust Me for? Trust in Me! Entrust EVERYTHING to Me! I PROVIDE for you, but you must trust Me!
My children. Pray for all those who have not yet found Me. It is the request of My heart, today, on My Resurrection Day, because the death on the Cross I died for each one of you, and so I eagerly and full of love for you desire your return to the Father, because for this I died for you on the Cross, and My Holy Wounds are still healing your wounds today, and My Precious Blood, shed for all sinners -even for you who are reading this- continues to flow over your earth for your salvation and your salvation, because, My so beloved children, YOUR REDEMPTION IS NEAR, i.e., what began 2000 years ago is about to happen. i.e. what began 2000 years ago will now be completed.
Your earth will be "changed" and you will become perfect(er). This will be the New Kingdom that will begin with the end of this time, the end of Satan's reign over you, for the children who are with Me, faithful to Me, and your "perfection" will come through the purity given to you all faithful children, and where there is no more sin because there is no more evil, there will be no more sickness and no more suffering of soul. You will be healthy, true children of God, and thus live 1000 years -that is, not that you will all live 1000 years now; you will learn more about that in due time-, and I, your Jesus, will take care of you there.
My children. Rejoice, because this time will be beautiful. It will be wonderful, and you will live endowed with the glories of the Father.
My children. Pray for all your brothers and sisters in the Lord and live in peace with each other. Pray for peace in all your hearts and pray for peace in your countries and in the whole world.
I, your crucified and risen Jesus, ask this of you. Amen.
Make this known, My daughter. Amen.
Source: ➥